My Byte on I.T. and Everything Else!

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    All Posts
    Tips For New Internet Surfers
    Religion - Pros and Cons!
    The Gangs of Religion
    The Birth of Science
    Idol Worship
    Was Religion created by Man?
    Multi-Boot DVDs
    Windows Live CD
    Tips For New Internet Surfers
    Sunday, July 30, 2006

    Tips For New Internet Surfers
    by: Franck Silvestre

    When you are new to the web, trying to start a new business to make a living online, you need advices to make your surffing life easier...

    Everyday, thousands of new surfers open their browsers for the first time, it is confusing in the beginning, but if you have some good advices in the early beginning, you can surf easier and faster with a friendly browser...

    Tip 1: Surf in security.

    The first action that you will do if you are new to the net is to open your browser to surf. If you have a PC, like most of the Internet population. You will have Internet explorer installed in your computer, but it is not the best browser available on the net, and it is in fact limited. You may think that it is hard to surf on Internet.

    When you will discover Mozilla Firefox, you will be even more happy to surf on Internet, for sure.

    One of the first reason you should use Firefox is the integrated Firewall, which protect you against spyware and other adawares.

    Tip 2: No need to tape all the time.

    The second reason to choose Firefox is that you save time; for instance, when you went on yesterday, you wrote: with Firefox, you just tape ā€œeā€ in the address bar of your browser, then will appear in the drop down menu, it's like magic, and it's fun too.

    Tip 3: See all your pages in only one window.

    I really love this one; you can surf in tab. That is really powerful.

    For instance, with Internet Explorer, whenever you click on a link, you have 2 choice: open the page in the same window, or open it in a new window. Firefox enable you to open several pages in one window.

    Let's explain: you are now looking, and you want to see the news, you just right click on the link, select open in a new tab, and you have now two pages in only one window. To switch between your pages, you just need to click on anyone of the page you want to look in, all that in the same window. You can open fifteen windows in one time if you want.

    Better, you can bookmark(in Internet explorer, bookmark is favorites) a tab, and open it later. It is a very intelligent way of surfing. It is very efficient when you are doing some researches on a subject, on google for example.

    Tip 4: All your downloads at the same place.

    The fourth reason to choose Firefox is that when you download a file on your computer, sometimes, you want to open it, but you face a problem: Where did you save that file? With Firefox, just click on tools, and then you select download, and a pop up window appear. You just scroll to find your program. It will save you time and a lot of headaches.

    However, it is recommended, for the first time, to save your download on your desktop, then after save your file in the folder you choose. You can download firefox for Free. You just type firefox in and you're done.

    Tip 5: Don't forget a good anti virus,

    While you surf on Internet, some hijackers will attempt to damage your computer, by introducing a virus in it. If you don't take your precaution, you may loose all that is stored in your hard disk. You can download AVG, which is excellent at

    There is a lot to learn when you start on Internet, but take your time. And everything will go smoothly.

    Discover a lifetime of amazing tips secrets and strategies at : Http://

    Religion - Pros and Cons!
    Saturday, July 29, 2006

    One of the uses of religion is to hide the harsh and grim reality of life from us humans - nonentities in this huge universe - and hence make life bearable and liveable so as to enhance survival. However this may rebound when faith is challenged by a reality challenge sending survival into an unrecoverable tailspin!

    Religion still survives because man is learning to cope with reality challenges due to technology and faith still takes all the credit!
    The Gangs of Religion

    Religion has created huge gangs who, when they are not fighting each other, turn to the atheists and agnostics in their midst to try to pound them into abject surrender.
    The Birth of Science
    Friday, July 28, 2006

    Science was born out of mans' yearning for constants in the face of a universe full of multiple variables.
    Monday, July 24, 2006

    Working is the art of converting time into material. Relaxing is the art of converting material into time.
    Thursday, July 13, 2006

    Faith focuses the human mind which otherwise is liable to wander off in a million directions all at once preventing the individual from carrying out the two basic tasks facing any living being :

    1. Survival of Self

    2. Survival of the species.

    Other living beings do not have a wandering mind and can carry out their tasks quite capably.
    Idol Worship

    Ancient man used to live in caves and take shelter from the vagaries of nature under huge stones/monoliths which seemed to exist for generations as they were more resistant to the forces of nature than man was.

    Man started to worship them as they afforded shelter and served as a continuity between generations. They became a symbol of immortality to mortal man.

    Later when man took to agriculture and had more free time on his hands he started to carve these stones into shapes which he saw around him. He formed phallic stones and worshipped them to stimulate his fertility. He started worshipping them to focus his mind on the task ahead.

    Man worships to focus his mind and it requires only an object and he invests in it the powers which he feels he needs.
    Was Religion created by Man?
    Monday, July 10, 2006

    Religion was created by man for the following reasons :

    1. To unite the people in order to achieve survival of man. At that time there was no law no order and no integration of people into nations etc. Religion provided a set of rules in a time of lawlessness and prevented unnecessary conflicts. The word 'religion' = re+legion which means to reform a 'legion' which is defined as : A great number; a multitude.

    2. In order to get a mass of people to achieve something they have to believe in a common entity. Man cannot believe man as he sees any other man as essentially equal to him. Hence a higher level entity - GOD - had to be invented who would hand down the rules to be obeyed.

    3. To provide explanations for all the natural phenomenon observed by man and by doing so to focus his mind and prevent its wayward wandering.

    4. At that time there was no science to explain the unexplainable and no law or police to keep the masses in line. Also it was literally a time of darkness - an era of DOS - if you will, so there was great fear in the human mind which had to be suppressed to achieve the twin aims of any living being :
    A) Survival of Self.
    B) Survival of the Species.
    Thursday, July 06, 2006

    FIRST LAW : The macrocosmos is built up of multiple microcosmii.

    SECOND LAW : The structure and functions of the macrocosmos is similar to the structure and functions of the microcosmii, since it is made up of them.

    THIRD LAW : The forces which organize the macrocosmos can also be applied to the micrcosmii.
    Monday, July 03, 2006

    Astrology is based on astronomy, mathematics and the pseudoscience of predictions. As its foundations are made of the scientific disciplines of astronomy and mathematics it gives an illusion of truth and reliability. In actuality though its predictions are calculated on basis of the positions of planets using mathematics, its predictions cannot be reproduced exactly as there are millions of variables affecting them.
    Multi-Boot DVDs
    Sunday, July 02, 2006

    To create a multiboot dvd which can at the time of booting give multiple options of operating systems
    Windows Live CD

    A LiveCD is one which to run the operating system from the CD-ROM or DVD without having to install it on the computer's hard drive. The term "live" derives from the fact that it does not reside on a hard drive. Rather, it is "brought to life" upon boot without having to being physically installed onto a hard drive.

    Live CDs are commonly used to distribute Linux based operating systems, though there are some Microsoft Windows based Live CDs also which is the focus of this post. These are as follows :

    1. Bart PE is a liveCD version of MS Windows XP. It is made using a program called PEBuilder.

    2. Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE).

    3. MiniPE and its variants like MiniPE XT and ReatogoXPE.

    4. XP LiveCD.

    5. Win XPE.

    6. Super WinPE Plus.

    7. Avast Bart CD.

    5. Multiboot DVD (DUBCD and WUBCD).

    6. TinyXP O2.

    7. ERD Commander.

    8. Hiren Boot CD. The latest version has option to boot into Win95.

    9. Ultimate Boot CD 3.3

    10. UBCD4Win.

    11. XP Recovery CD.

    12. React OS.

    13. 911Rescue CD.

    The advantage of using these CDs becomes apparent when ypur computer refuses to boot. They differ from bootable floppies in that they boot into a GUI environment enabling you to diagnose and repair PCs or extract data from crashed disks. This means that the user can, for instance, recover data from a failed operating system installation, or reset a lost administrator password. It does not matter what OS is installed on the hard drive. Also they do not require you to install anything on the hard drive. They usually work by creating a RAM drive where the necessary files are copied from the CD.
    Saturday, July 01, 2006

    This blog will mainly be about my experiences with IT, Computers and the Internet not necessarily in that order.
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