What is a Formula? In chemistry it is the code behind a successful product. We say that the formula for water is H2O because when we take two atoms of Hydrogen and one of Oxygen and combine them in a specific way we succeed in making water. Similarly to successfully achieve an end product or aim in any field we have to first find out the formula or the constituents of the product. If we wish to achieve an aim we have to find out the correct steps that we have to undertake in order to achieve it. That series of steps then becomes the formula which we can at any time reapply to achieve success. Once we get the secret formula or code we do not have to repeat the learning process all over again and hence we can save time and money. Thus a successful formula becomes a guaranteed template for future success. We do not have to repeat the trial-and-error process we employed or the experimentation we did in the first instance to achieve success. Once we get the formula we just apply it repeatedly to achieve success. The first step in cracking the formula in any subject or product is to thoroughly learn the subject. There is no substitute for this step. It is a rigorous step and must be undertaken seriously and passionately in order to gain the intuition for cracking the formula. Intuition plays a very big role in cracking any formula. It is a subconscious process which is only explained by analysts in retrospect. When the successful man applies it he does not consciously recognize its presence. He only understands what will work and what will not work. It is only after the achievement of success that analysts and critics theorizing to death publish article after article explaining it and in many cases surprising those successful persons for many of whom the journey was more important than the end. This intuition comes years after passionately studying and working in the discipline. This is why so many career counselors advise you to turn your passion/hobby into your career. It is the only way of ensuring that your attention will not be diverted from the subject. It is only then that you will eat, drink and sleep your subject rather than eat, drink and be merry! The second step is to learn what are called the tricks of the trade. Every trade or subject has its tricks which help you achieve success in it. Mnemonics, for instance, is one trick by which you can master subjects which have large amounts of information to be memorized. Logical thinking helps you master subjects like engineering where there is a problem to be solved at every step. The third step is to understand the effect of time or trends. There are some formulas which are constant like that for water. This formula will never change with time and space. It will be the same on the moon or on distant stars. It will be the same millions of years from now. The same cannot be said for other formulas like the formula for a successful film. These formulas have their own life history. They are born, they get old and they die to give rise to new ones. To achieve success with such formulas it is necessary to understand their age. Whether a new formula is needed or the old one will do becomes the most important decision in your life! Thus we have Formula No. 1 and Formula No 2 which is to break Formula No 1. The breaking of a formula is also a formula. To understand the age of the formula you have to undertake market research. This alone will tell you which formula to apply. Someone achieves success by trial and error or by following a rigorous discipline and a formula is born. Others scramble to achieve success by applying the same formula. Over time this leads to a saturation of the market. The market becomes jaded, dull and lackluster. Along comes a bright young man/woman who recognizes what the market needs and Voila! a new formula is born by breaking the old one. The final step in order to achieve continuous success is to keep on making and breaking formulas and to have multiple formulas up your sleeve. A bowler can only be successful if he can bowl different varieties of balls. A batsman can only be successful if he has multiple strokes in his armoury. Success in any field depends on having multiple successful formulas ready to be applied with supreme flexibility and agility.