The Hidden Message of 'Lage raho Munnabhai'From the beginning of the film we are led to believe that Gandhiji exists but as a ghost. Munnabhai only can see him for some special reason. The chaiwala child cannot see him. Harilal cannot see him. Circuit cannot see him but since Munna is his boss he lies to Munna. This reinforces Munnabhai's hallucination/belief about being able to see Gandhiji. When they visit the psychiatrist he tries to break Munna's belief but is not allowed to do so by Circuit who truly believes that his boss is always right. At the press conference the psychiatrist shows that Gandhiji knows what Munnabhai knows and does not know what Munna does not know. He does this by asking questions that Munnabhai does not know the answer to. As soon as Munnabhai comes to know of the answer Gandhiji answers but not before. Thus proving that Munna and Gandhi are one and the same. By accepting this logic Munnabhai also shows that he has not become psychotic or mad. He also immediately tests Circuit and realizes that all this time Circuit has been reinforcing his belief due to the innocent reason that Circuit believes that his boss is always right. The hidden message is now revealed and it is "Gandhiji=Munnabhai". Since all Indians equate Gandhi with God the message now becomes "God=Munna". Since Munnabhai accepts the psychiatrist's solution like a normal man and also since he is the hero and everyone identifies with the hero the message now becomes "God=Man"Throughout the film Gandhi shows Munna his human side, how he stole gold from his brother and repented and other stories. Gandhiji was a great man and this combined with the fact of his assassination made us put him on a pedestal and worship him like a God. But in the process we conveniently forgot his ideology.  By equating Gandhi with Munnabhai the director has brought him down to the human level and in the process highlighted his forgotten legacy which was his ideology. Thus he shows that all this time we were worshiping the wrong thing. We should have been worshiping Gandhi's ideas and thoughts and following them but we forgot them and instead just paid lip service to Gandhi. By equating God with Man the director shows that there is a hidden God in all of us and we should connect with him and talk with him just like Munna does and follow what He says. This then is the real message of 'Lage raho......" and that is that : GOD=MANThis message is hidden because if the director were to reveal it he would be branded as a blasphemer and his film would be banned. Since he wants everyone to see the film with an open mind he has put across this message in a subliminal form to allow it to penetrate the subconscious and flower within.