Chaos theory has claimed another victim in Mumbai. A finalist in Jhalak Dikhlaja - a reality show on Sony TV - distributed hundreds of SIM cards to friends so that they could vote for her. One of these SIM cards was given by her choreographer to a friend of his. This friend used the SIM card to send offensive messages to his wife who was having a tiff with him. The wife complained to the police who investigated the shop where the SIM card was bought by following the mobile number. The police were astounded to hear that hundreds of SIMs were bought by one person and followed the lead to the dancer's house. This resulted in bad press for the dancer and an ultimate loss of 50 lacs which were certain to go to her as she was the better dancer. Though there may have been other factors this was probably the thing that did her in. Now we understand how a butterfly fluttering its wings in Tokyo can cause a cyclone in Mexico. This is how small events have big repercussions!